

Why am I giving my work away for free?

Photography by Rachael White

As an artist with ADHD, I am constantly finding new mediums, subjects and crafts to explore, which usually means I accumulate a lot of… stuff haha. And as much as I would LoOoOoVe to hold on to everything I make, I need space for curiosity — both figuratively and literally. I become easily overstimulated and overwhelmed with clutter around me and this includes my own artwork and supplies. This is especially true in my studio space because it is a small (but so lovely) tree-top sunroom. I have to use the square footage wisely! :)

Hyper-fixations are a common occurrence for me and many times, I’ll pour myself into one style/medium until I feel I’ve “completed” it. Now, I know that doesn’t make a lot of sense because you can’t ever really “complete” a style or medium, but that’s the easiest way to describe the feeling. Once I move on from one of my artistic hyper-fixations, I’m left with a bulk of work (and usually supplies) that occupy the precious studio space I have.

I don’t always love some of the stuff so ethically, I don’t feel I can sell it. Joy is a huge part of my practice (and business name and actual middle name haha) and while I infuse it into everything I make, test, and explore, sometimes the end product just isn’t up to par for my standards… just another part of my ADHD! However, these pieces still deserve a home, versus dying alone in the back of my flat files, and might be just perfect for someone else. WHY would I want to miss out on passing along some joy!? I mean, is there possibly a better feeling?

Sure, it might cost a few bucks in shipping. I just work it into my cost of marketing and cost of doing business.

In the end, I get some more space back and someone who admires my work gets a free artistic treat to brighten up their day. So! Be sure to sign up for my monthly giveaway! You might just get that perfect little thing you’ve been searching for :)

The best way to find joy is to give it to others.
— Robert G. Ingersoll

Karlie Schraufnagel